"I’ve developed a theory that the art we really like burrows inside us and lives there until we find it outside of ourselves. We can never lose it. Our whole lives are spent trying to convert these bits and pieces — lines from poems, song lyrics, movie scenes — from unfulfilled destiny into premonitions." I can relate. My writing is full of allusions to lyrics and song titles to punk and post-punk. Its not only, or even especially, out of nostalgia for youth, but for the powerful combination of excitement, possibility and political awakening that I tune back in to every time.

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Have you read An Everlasting Meal by Tamar Adler? The line about “eggs boiled in the shell for seven minutes” instantly reminded me of the book, which I love and feel compelled to recommend whenever it crosses my mind.

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funny you should mention! I recently received it as a gift but haven't cracked it open yet.

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